Monday, June 20, 2005

We are now accepting callers for these pendent key chains

There was a story about a Japanese company setting up workstations for exemployees to work at. Work at what? Work at being at work. Work is such an important of japans culture that they had places to go even after being laid off they could work on there resumes, work on improving there skills, or what ever else it was that had to be done during the day. At first this is a hard concept to comprehend for most people from the US where it is all about “what’s in it for me”. In Japan when you buy a company you don’t first off look for ways to eliminate staff they are part and parcel with the purchase you don’t just buy a single piece of a company you buy all of its assets and part of its assets are its employees. The men and women that make up that company have value beyond there paychecks. So you have to ask what wrong either with the US or with the damn japs. I think most eastern cultures have the right idea work isn’t about what you have to do to get through the week and keep the lights on its about what you have to offer society as a whole that makes you valuable. I have value as a person and that value is more then a place holder in a staffing report. I ordered a new screen for the screen printing machine today that says “you cant fire me slaves are sold!”. There is some type of social cancer that is tearing at the whole of society in the US that saddens me very much. When my grand father was young he joined the navy because it was an honor to serve his country. When my father was young he joined the navy because if he didn’t the selective service would have made him join the army and for all of his faults he isn’t stupid and its better to be well trained and on a boat then trained as a bullet catcher. When I was young there were people who were refusing to go to war which at first sounds like there choice except they were members of the National Guard and when asked about it they said yes they signed up but they never thought they would really have to go to war. What the fuck you say? It’s a whole social idea that you don’t have to really be responsible for your actions. And it’s mostly just America that seems to feel this way. its like you get as high as you can and get as much power as you can as long as you don’t really have to be responsible for anything that happens at the point that something is not the way it should be then its someone else’s fault and you shouldn’t be held responsible for anything because its not your fault. I am typing with such passion that I am weaving from side to side as I have to type different sides of the keyboard. I feel very passionate about being responsible for things and I try hard to impart that feeling of responsibility on my son and the people I come in contact with on a daily basis. I never want to be given anything I have not earned be it title, tools, money, fame( and I never want fame), or anything I could ever be given but I do want to receive what I feel I have earned and if the person is not willing to relinquish it I would like the truth about why. I must stop here and say I am NOT whining about my job today I am content to do the job asked of me and do it to the best of my ability until the day they take my badge or ask something else of my time. I am just I am just saddened by what appears to be the utter loathing of the employee on the part of the employer in most companies I have had the pleasure to deal with. It is as if we are a burden on the employer like some poor needy child that won’t go away no matter how many times they get kicked in the face. There are good companies out there in the US and some are among the best in the world but there are many that are not and don’t care if they ever become the best to there employees they just want to be the most profitable and they will get there at any cost. Now its time to get off the cross, build a bridge and get over it. I had started this post wanting to speak about the joy I get from learning new ideas and it turned into a diatribe about my view of the employee employer dynamic in corporate America. If I had more time and there were more letters in me right now I would expound upon my feelings of corporations as a form of government but I am out of letters to string together and someone else has done it much better then I could hope to do. Read Harvest of Stars its not a good book but it’s a good idea there are many books I put in this category they would be much better if the author had allowed someone else to translate his ideas into words for him. For now I hope this will be my last post of such dark and rambling subjects lets all just be happy for the bravery of being out of range.

Goodnight fenny


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