Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Bruce Clay SEO and other things

So im off to Bruce Clay SEO training at the end of next month. Now its just a matter of getting all my questions together so I know what I want to ask and being ready to take some good notes. I will be taking the power book so I can follow along in class and at the same time have something I can test code on. I wonder what it will be like to try and writ html on a Mac I have tried and failed to do any type of .net but I still haven’t gotten to try mono which should work ok. I hope to learn many new things that can help me out with eFlorist SEO as well as SEO for my red frog web sites as well as my other side projects. I hope to revive red frog soon and turn it into the powerhouse of web design that it should be. I have some of the florist sites being crawled by google as I type I hope to see the results soon if I start to see some results soon enough I can do some more tweaking before I have to present the results. I would think that with the current goals of the test coupled with the competition it should not be hard to get good ranking for the florist sites in the test. If you focus on flowers, florist, flower, and florists you are going to fail but if you instead focus on flowers then there is much less competition and there for it is easier to get ranked. Now that being said it also depends on what your equals if is equal to Dallas then you are going to have a tougher row to hoe then if is equal to Podunkville. Its also important to know your keywords for example do I really want to focus my effort to make my page relevant to my pretty flower shop name in Podunkville Texas only if people are going to be looking for that instead why not make my page relevant to Podunkville Flowers that way I can focus on that and I can also get people out of town who don’t know the name of my shop and really don’t care to know it. I plan to share some of what I have learned about SEO in the last few weeks with the rest of the custom eFlorist department so it can help our current batch of florist web sites going forward. I am done with my rambling on about florist web sites I will now get back to work on them.


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