Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Florist SEO deadline looms

I didn’t realize how funny it sounded until my wife asked me about it. We were talking about me wrapping up the first part of this SEO test and I have to present my results in about a month so I would be working a lot over the next 2 days and the first question was “ if you are going to present in about a month why are you in a rush to finish in 2 days so I explained to her about the waiting game you play with wed development and SEO. You make your changes and then you wait to be crawled. Then you change and wait and change and wait. The wait part of this can take as long as a month. Which is hard since if you do something wrong you can’t fix it for a month after you see the problem. Most of my changes are done and most of it I think is good at this point. After that it comes down to tweaks so I guess we will see what happens. I will say I have seen more floral and flower web sites then I would ever have thought were out there some are total hack jobs that look like there done by the shop owners 12 year old son ( which by the way is what I want to be when I grow up a 12 year old ) and then you have the other side of the spectrum where you can tell someone put some real time into the site and it looks nice. But like most things you have a few on the outer extremes but most of the sites are in the middle there not bad there just not good. I might have to post a worst of the worst and a best of the best sometime soon.


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