Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I will get to it

Blogging to me is much like weight lose

It seems that since I was around 20 I have had the plan to exercise more. From time to time I succeed in this endeavor but it never seems to last long I will get busy and forget to go to the gym and after a few weeks I just give up again. It seems to me that blogging is falling into this same cycle I think about blogging often but I never seem to have the time. I will make a commitment to blog more because I think it is important that I spout off online to fill the either with more noise. I will even do well with it for a few days posting often then I forget and get busy and never get back to it. I have now launched what is being super secret project number 12 and have started working full force on super secret project number 13. 13 will take more time, money, and effort then 12 did but that’s ok since it should also produce more money with less input in the long term. With number 12 we are well on our way to the first rebuild which is almost funny since we just launched. A side note and update on work the new boss is here after the last one lasted 6 weeks this one is being called the October/ November director of web development we will see if he out lasts the title. I don’t know if I want him to or not and it may not matter I may start working on SharePoint again(which I LOVE) so I may get away from SEO or do SEO and SharePoint, now that would be a full day staying on top of google and admin and build a SharePoint site for a large company.


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