Sunday, July 31, 2005
fun things to do when your monkey is out on the town
Mach Go Go
I am launching a few things in the next month some I will speak openly of some and some I will speak about in a type of code known to me and a few others. I like to talk to people about what it is that I am doing it helps me stay focused as best as I can so I get it done in a reasonable time frame. One of the many things I am working on are a few new sites one is for speeds older brother the mysterious racer X. one is for pops and chimchim. I am also working on moving this blog to a domain owned by me I don’t know which one as of yet but once I figure it out I will post it here plus try and move my blog from here with all the old content. I am also working on which doesn’t work right now but will sometime in the future. I am also continuing to learn more and more about SEO and how blogs and other types of content generation fit in to that. In my work for speeds older brother the mysterious racer X as well as pops and chimchim I am having to restart my learning on and retrain myself in the beautiful art of CSS and graphic design. I have found myself to become reinspiried about the beauty that can be built on the web and not inside any type of box I am going to try and launch a site that is dedicated to cutting edge browsers and bar access to all but the most elite browser. I will also enroll in collage soon to take some writing classes. In my offline life my younger brother is moving in and my older brother is moving out. The one is coming to go to school and the other is going to go to school.
And for fun
Here he comes
Here comes Speed Racer.
He's a demon on wheels.
Chasin after someone.
He's gainin' on you
So you better look alive.
He's gonna be revin' up his
Powerful Mach 5.
And when the odds are against him
And their dangers work.
You bet your life Speed Racer
Is gonna see it through
Go Speed Racer,
Go Speed Racer,
Go Speed Racer go-.
He's off and flying
As he guns his car around the track.
He's jammin' down the pedal
Like he's never coming back.
Adventure's waiting up ahead-.
Go Speed Racer,
Go Speed Racer,
Go Speed Racer go
a month
Its been a month since I have posted anything and now I am going to post a few things. I just posted one thing about stuff and I will put up a few more about stuff.
high watermark
Why must I live in the time period right after the high watermark of human civilization? You know, when Bugs Bunny cartoons were playing in actual movie theaters.
I am not sure where I came across this quote at but i do feel it says a lot about the feelings of some people regarding today’s tumultuous times. my wife says i never listen to anything she says. She says this because when she askes me about a specific thing she said to me in the past I have no clue what it is she is talking about. This is not because I don’t love her and hang on every word she feels gracious to bestow upon me its is just that all of her thought about very specific. For example she would love to hve some clue as to what it is that would make her happy but instead of looking at the broad topic of happiness she has narrowed it down to a simple equation jeannie + money = happy jeannie. So with that in hand she has headed off to make the money portion of the equation as large as possible. Me on the other hand think of things in terms of what it will take to make me happy and then I think about the things I would do with the happiness, how I would change what I am doing right now to attain happiness, and always I am also thinking about my sons happiness. But along with all of these thoughts I also think about things like how blogs will help SEO, how to build a better CMS based of the sharepoint engine, how to build a not better but more elaborate mouse trap(duct tape is out I think I have exhausted every lead in that direction, this being said I am sure the answer will involve duct tape). This is not to say I am in any way better then my wife or other people that are goal driven its is just saying I am different to be honest I would have to say I am worse off due to my lack of any chance of gaining t5ue single mindedness for any length of time. This blog is the perfect example I pick it up and put it back down on a whim almost its not that I don’t enjoy it its just that I don’t think about it. I suppose in the current state of the
Friday, July 01, 2005
Do you ever hear a line in a song that just hits you. You have heard it a dozen times but never really heard what was being said. This I would say is the problem with the human brain being wired to hear sounds and patterns and out of a small sampling of the given sound decide what the rest of the sound is going to be so it doesn’t listen to it. It’s like its own jacked up way of throttling back the processor in the mind.
its a founding principle of social engineering the way the brain works and how to make the "ignore next" function kick in
Just sort of funny to me.
Everyone should buy a glassy baby