Monday, May 30, 2005

test post

test post
this is a demo post to show a blog

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


My wife is having surgery today and it makes me start thinking about the idea of going into the body to adjust, correct, or just modify the internal workings of your body.

That’s all I really have to say about that.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

there like pants

It seems to me that there are a lot of people that think the pc should be a toy. I just cant look at it that way I feel the pc is more like a pair of pants in that its something you have to have to function in society. I start to try and think how I could work without internet access and or pc access and it comes down to it that I cant. I use the internet for my news, work, research, study, communication, and really just about everything else. But what I don’t use it for is my entertainment. I don’t want to watch TV on my pc I don’t want to watch movies on my pc I don’t really enjoy playing many video games (there are the odd few I get into but they are few and far between) I have a good TV for programs I have an ipod for music I have a Nintendo (and every other game system) for my gamming which I do love. Not that there’s anything wrong with this type of use of a pc I am very glad that people are using there pc’s for more it makes them more mainstream and there for its increases my access to better, faster, and cheaper technology. My son is sure to have a different view of this but that’s for the future, for the present it’s late and time for me to turn off my pants for the night and climb in my new bed.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Titanium Powerbook

I must talk a lot about my titanium power book which strikes me as odd since the only reason that it should come up is that its newish to me. Really I have still to find a truly useful thing to do with it if I could figure out how to run osX on a virtual machine I would toss the power book and get a good dell laptop. The reason I posted this was I was looking at my adsense links and they have 2 of the 4 links listing titanium powerbook ads.

i just had to post this link

I just got shown this blog that I had never seen before and it had this cute gadget for the ipod a little dog thing that dances and lights up. but right under that post was this very good post on design. its a great read.

Follow the link

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Just a quick post

Just a quick post

Saturday, May 07, 2005


I have decided that this blog has served its purpose and so now its done!

Ok now since I have the blog and I am almost liking the whole writing thing I will keep the blog but change the title and purpose form here on out it will just be one of the millions of blogs about peoples lives that is really only relevant to them and the people that know them maybe after I grow as a developer I can get to a point where I am giving back to the .net community but for now I am not there so until then I will have to work to get there.

Its all about flowers

I hate flowers. Its strange to me the way a job effects your lifestyle. What do I mean by that well for example in my own life when I worked fast food I got to where I couldn’t stand to eat at any fast food restaurant when I sold jewelry I got the habit of not wearing any for of jewelry ( my wife and I are still working on getting me to wear a wedding ring after almost 7 years ). And now I work for a flower wire service and I have started to hate flowers and the giving of floral gifts. This is strange to me because I have had graphic design jobs and I didn’t start to hate drawing or being creative I have been a dedicated code monkey for the last 3 years and have still not hated for a single second typing a line of code I have even been working on computers for many years over many different jobs and I still spend over half of my disposable income on more computer equipment. So what is it about some jobs that makes me hate the core components of the job. I think it comes down to effort the less effort I have to put into a job the more I seem to come to loath it. With out struggle there is no growth and if there is no growth then it doesn’t involve any type of effort and if I don’t have to think about why not automate it and spend my time doing something else. Every time I think about this subject I remember a time when I was 18 working a fast food job and I was told to straighten ketchup packages in the ketchup bin. When I questioned to reasoning of spending my time doing this the response was since I was on the clock and there were no customers they had to find something for me to do. ……….. ok so there is nothing that I can do that is harder then straitening ketchup packets? Wow then I can just go home and read a book. And that’s why I had the record for the most times to quit at that store but since when I was there and they were busy I was fast and good they would always call and ask me to come back a few days after I quit. I think I have always been that way I don’t feel the need to waste my time and effort on something just for the sake of keeping busy. I worked in an office one time for almost 4 days I had to leave when they told me to make sure to look busy when the boss walked by even if I had nothing to really do ( which seemed to be most of the time from what I was being told). If you have work for me to do great if not I can find something better to do then sit there and look busy. And this brings me back to why I start to hate parts of some jobs its because it seems to me like there is work that can be automated better then having me do it. Then I could spend my weekend with my Sabian ( my son ) or I could be studying for my MCAD or I could even be reading the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy for the 5000th time. Its not that I feel above the task at hand its just that my strengths are in different areas. Ok now I am done whining about having to work and hating flowers and I am going to get back to pulling up the current rankings and then when I get home I am going to write a program that will pull in all the different rankings and the different sites I need to monitor and then I will be done with this work and I can go on to other things.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Closing tag on my posts

i think for the next few posts i will try out having a closing tag on my blog posts and see how i like the look of it

this failed it sees my closing tag as html code and dosent show it on the site
i will try again later

Its Mothers Day

Its mothers day and I work for a flower wire service. Once you start working for a flower wire service like Teleflora of FTD you start to look at holidays differently. We have seen an improvement in site ranking on yahoo and some on google as well. It looks like I may have gone to the far extreme on the keywords and put some of the sites on the test into the area of word spam. I am going to pair down the keyword usage and raise the fluff word usage to see if I can get a better content level and also by using fluff words I hope to raise my them score. The hardest part of SEO is the waiting you have to make changes and then wait for a crawl to see how they effected your ranking but at the same time other people are making changes so sometimes its hard to say if any change in ranking is due to you getting better or worse or if one of your competitors has done something better or worse and you are moving because of them changing there spot. I do have some sites that have gone from nothing to being in the top 5 on google and or yahoo but I also have a very few that went the other way so I will now have to start the analysis of what has been done and tweak the sites to make the good ones better and the bad ones good. SEO is such a moving target it could still take months before we know for sure what does and doesn’t help and by how much. But for now it seems that links and content are 2 of the biggest factors another big factor seems to be site size. This helps because the more pages you have in your site the more chances you have to talk about your topic and direct links that are keyword rich to pages in your site. For example if I have a 10 page site with each page having a link with the word flower pointing to my flower page then that’s 10 times I have said I know about flower but if I have a 1000 page site with the same link to my flower page then I have just said I know about flower 1000 times so I must be more confident about flower and this is really the expert on flower. Things that don’t seem to help are keyword and description meta tags these seem to be completely ignored by google and I am sure yahoo and msn will follow suit soon. Which makes sense the search engine makes money off advertising and the more people that can come to your site the more people that will see your advertising. If someone comes to your search engine and always gets bad search results then after a few times they will go else where and as traffic drops so does ad revenue so it is in the best interest of the search engines to keep there results clean and reflective of what people are wanting to find from there searches.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Florist Blogs

So I had this idea about using a blog to increases traffic to an eFlorist site ( really many eFlorist sites). It has been up for a month or more now and I am still not sure how well it is doing. It could be that I don’t write or it could be that it just doesn’t help. It could also be that google hasn’t found me yet. I am still getting hit upside the head every day by something new that google seems to do. For example I have a site for my personal art work and some other stuff called little big toe I have had it for a long long time and I checked it on google and it has been indexed but when I check the cache on google it has little big toe listed as having been cached on Jan 31, 2004 03:05:22 GMT. Why so long? I don’t know. I have another site Red Frog Labs and it has no cache but its all text and has been there for years as well. I don’t know I will have to look at this more in the days to come and see if I can find an answer. Another idea I had to get fresh relevant content on a site and to increases the rating is to include an rss feed on the site I have it working ok on the eFlorist test site the problem I have now is to find a floral web site that doesn’t promote any florist specifically. I have found a few I will look at and watch to see what type of news I can find. I also thought about adding a local rss feed to help increase the overall theme on the site. I don’t think it will be to hard to find local rss feeds about cities like New York or Atlanta or even Oklahoma city but little towns like Shawnee are hard to find things for I think just due to size. I will post as time permits on the findings.