Lets see if I can get through a diatribe about marketing with out using anything that would be considered profane. I have done sales at almost every level and I understand the need of sales and marketing. I have a firm belief that with out marketing there would not be the internet that there is today. It ids driven by ad revenue. Now that isn’t to say that every aspect of the business is driven directly by ad revenue but the internet as a whole is all driven by ads. Take my position for example I work on natural SEO. That means that I don’t work with ads at all, but I still depend on ads for my job to work. If it were not for the revenue that google generates from its ads they would not provide all the great new features they offer and the standard internet price for wizbang ($0.00). if google didn’t provide the features they provide then less people would use there service. If less people used there service then that would be less people looking there for what I sell. Less people looking means less people buying. So I would be useless or my job would be less important and would get rolled up into someone else’s job duties. So I am thankful for ads and marketing but at the same time I have to say that I hate being inundated with ads everywhere I turn. I got a marketing call yesterday on my cell. I asked them to call me back later (I know that was stupid but I wasn’t sure it was a marketing call for crap or some of the internet ,marketing firms I have talking to the last few weeks). This morning I got the same people calling but I was still busy so I didn’t answer. Within 30 minutes I got 4 calls from the same firm! What is that now it might just be me but as my wife tells my son from time to time if you pester me I don’t even think about it before I say NO! and I find that most people are the same way even if its to a lesser extent then myself. So how did this person think that I would decide to answer and be in a receptive mood? Well on the last call I answered and the same person that had called me yesterday starts belting out the same crap sales pitch (see that I had a good spot to through in the word ass and I refrained from it) that they had used the day before. They went through it word for word. Then when it came to the question and answer phase they tried to use leading questions but I have been through this and have lead many a sheep through this same trap so I was a little stubborn and forced them to lead. At that point they failed which to me says they don’t know more then the simple script that they are handed. And that makes me madder then anything else. What is it that makes people think that anything can be watered down to its base elements and then accomplished by anyone. Sales isn’t following a script. I doubnt this person has ever heard of Zig Ziglar he is the god of true sales people. But someone thought they could give any random person off the street a cue card and a dialer and they would be good to go. They might get sales and this person might be happy with there commission but think about what could be gained with a little investment in training and good people. Think about all the thought that goes into a large ad campaign and then think about how small the portion of that you spend on getting the right people to do it for you. You see it everywhere like the guys with the sandwich boards I know everyone has seen the guy out there making an ass of himself and thinking something like “that fool” but what you may have missed is that you saw him and you saw his ad now think about the guy that was just standing there you didn’t notice him for that long and you definitely didn’t notice his message. That’s the difference between being a shmo doing a schtict and a professional doing your craft. I don’t sell anymore because I don’t have the heart to do that with the energy that it takes so rather then do it half way I do something else I can do full tilt and win at.
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