Monday, November 14, 2005

Some times it just clicks

I have been working on a small bit of code for close to two weeks. Then today I started over and from the ground up wrote the code I had been working on in 2 hours. Its nothing big its just a CSS version of a table layout that I have to convert to CSS. The part I had been having trouble with was the main body of a site that displays a 3X3 grid of image. Under each image I needed a buy button and next to the buy button a price, item number, and item name. in tables I could write it in my sleep but using CSS I just couldn’t ever get it to work. Then today I walked into work and sat down. As soon as I turned on my system (if you can call it that) I thought of a simple solution. This is a demo of the Layout. a small few things and I can launch my whole new site using nto one table element. So far the estimates are that I will cut 70% off of my total page size by making the CSS switch.


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